Bug ID: 692
Short desc: BugTrap not working - unable to submit reports

Last changed byphil 
Reported Byphil 
Reported On2020-05-03 10:32 AM 
Target ReleaseNext Release 

comment 3885 posted by phil on 2020-05-13 9:39 AM, 1444 days ago

Test in 2.20 beta 2e (to be released as 2.19.2)

comment 3876 posted by phil on 2020-05-03 10:34 AM, 1454 days ago

Modified XMBC to send to the HTTP URL only - how long will this work for? Ideally need a new version of bugtrap that supports HTTPS - not sure that will happen though.

Made custom version of bugtrap server which will send emails when things go wrong server side (at least I know its tried to submit a report that way - it fails so I cant see the report but hey).

comment 3875 posted by phil on 2020-05-03 10:32 AM, 1454 days ago

BugTrap is failing to submit reportes since changing the URL to HTTPS. It only works with HTTP - sigh.

There are problems with bugtrap server (silent fails, no emails when it goes wrong) and with XMBC as it tries to send to the HTTPS URL which causes the problem in the first place. On top of that, it does not always trigger (perhaps because XMBC is "handling" the exception silently?