Bug ID:  868  Check change movement to scroll loading custom cursors on Portable version    
Created by phil on 2024-04-22 8:21 AM, 226 days ago
Project:  XMBC
Organization:  Development
Category:  bug
Priority:  high
Assigned to:  phil  
Status:  new
Target Release:Next Release
Version:Current Beta

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 comment 4438 posted by phil on 2024-04-24 8:32 PM, 224 days ago 

OK It looks ok for me in Win 10 but still not in Win11.

Does not appear to be a DPI issue.

WTF is going on.


This maybe relevantt (Win11 API): SetThreadCursorCreationScaling()

Could still be a DPI issue too (although different DPI settings dont seem to make any difference




 comment 4433 posted by phil on 2024-04-23 8:16 AM, 225 days ago 

OK, so the profile thing is user understanding issue.

Cursors definitly need attention (Had a go and made progress, but incomplete)
NOTE: RC.exe resource compiler in VS2015 does not support PNG files (compressed) cursors (arghh)

Cursros can not be loaded is the log path is not explicitly set on portable versions.

Check cursor memory leak (have I fixed it by checking if the file exists before loading it - looks like LoadImage has a leak IF the file to load is not found?





 comment 4432 posted by phil on 2024-04-22 8:38 AM, 226 days ago 

@cmhdream on discord

 comment 4431 posted by phil on 2024-04-22 8:37 AM, 226 days ago 

Also, on portable version, import profile button does not work.

Maybe thats related (not the correct settings folder)?

 comment 4430 posted by phil on 2024-04-22 8:21 AM, 226 days ago 

It works on installed version, but not on portable version.

Is it getting the files from the correct location?