Bug ID:  660  Problem scrolling in Minecraft    
Created by phil on 2019-11-24 2:55 PM, 1606 days ago
Project:  XMBC
Organization:  Development
Category:  bug
Priority:  high
Assigned to:  phil  
Status:  closed
Target Release:Next Release
Version:Current Beta

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 comment 3760 posted by phil on 2019-11-24 8:25 PM, 1606 days ago 

Test in 2.19 Beta 7

 comment 3750 posted by phil on 2019-11-24 2:55 PM, 1606 days ago 


Actually, not only related to minecraft but thats where the problem shows most significantly. The problem is that for whatever reason, XMBC is unable to find a window under the cursor - and gets back a hWnd of 0, which it then procedes to use and redirect the scroll message to - DOH! It should not redirect if the window returned is invalid OR null!